Asia Express - East Asian ICT
Display - 6G CF: Hannstar to Procure, CPT to Produce In-House
October 26, 2004

Panel makers Hannstar and CPT (Chunghwa Picture Tube) have reached differing decisions concerning sixth generation CF (Color Filter) production. Hannstar is considering wholesale procurement of sixth generation CFs, while CPT is headed for in-house production.


Equipment installation of Hannstar's sixth generation TFT LCD panel plant has been postponed from April to September 2005, while the intended procurement of 4.5 generation CF production equipment for the plant has been canceled.


Hannstar explains that CF capacity for the plant were drawn when sixth generation CF technology was relatively immature, leading to plans to put two 4.5G CFs together. However, the technology has come to maturity, and considering several dedicated sixth generation CF suppliers are on schedule to start production in the second half of 2005, initially the company would rely on external procurement. Given that CF prices are stable, Hannstar may completely abandon its plan to procure 50% and produce 50% in-house, and procure all of its sixth generation CFs.


CPT is confident that its 4.5 generation CF plant will launch in time for sixth generation LCD panel mass production in 2005. Nonetheless, this plant's output will mainly go to support its two 4.5G panel lines. CPT's second 4.5G LCD panel line has recently begun pilot production.


Currently, the construction of CPT's sixth generation TFT LCD panel plant is on time, and with cost reduction in mind, sixth generation CF equipment will be set-up in the plant to supply in-house CF demand.